keyboard - stock photo

Recording Digital Keyboards (Synthesizers)

Recording keyboard synthesizers is straightforward. Simply send the output to your mixer or audiobox and record digitally using any DAW or portable digital recorder. Note, most keyboards have a stereo signal, and normally the left of middle C is panned left, and the right of middle C is panned right. This is to simulate sitting …

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Recording Drums

Microphones for drums usually consist of 3 dynamic mics and 2 condensor mics. Kick drum: 1 dynamic mic is placed in front of the kick drum, at a slight angle, or inside the hole (if applicable). Snare Drum: 1 dynamic mic is placed under the snare, at a slight angle, and the other is placed …

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Recording Guitars

A critical part of recording your instruments is keeping the levels down below -6db peak. You also need to make sure the noise levels are minimal. The lower the noise level, the easier it will be to process the audio during mixing and mastering. Distortion should be kept to a minimum because any amplification will …

Jeffrey Leon Meyer Picture playing private party in Summerfield, FL

My Theory of Music

Many say music is the universal language, and in part, I agree. Others say math is the universal language. Many do not realize that music and math go together. Most good musicians and composers are also good at math. But, what is the real purpose of music? Music is how a person communicates his/her emotions …